Polish lessons on multiculturalism in the L1 classroom. The literature series “War of adults – stories of children” in the primary school.
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Polish L1 classroom;
primary school education;
migration crisis in children’s literature;
culture shock;
Malala Yousafzai
war in Ukraine

How to Cite

Wawer, K. (2021). Polish lessons on multiculturalism in the L1 classroom. The literature series “War of adults – stories of children” in the primary school . Polonistyka. Innowacje, (13), 145–162. https://doi.org/10.14746/pi.2021.13.13


The thesis of the article is  the issue of omitting cultural and ethnic diversity in L1 educational curricula in Poland. However there is an existing body of children’s literature devoted to the matter. In the article the author investigates the contemporary literature for children and young adults, with the focus on migration crisis in Europe. The article comments on the books from the Adult wars – the stories of children publishing series. In the part of the text, which is dedicated to didactical practice, the article offers broad descriptions of educational aims and methods, as well as content of lessons with readings: Która to Malala?(Who is Malala?) by Renata Piątkowska and Teraz tu jest nasz dom (This is our home from now on) by Barbara Gawryluk.

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