Monika Sznajderman's “Pepper Counterfeiters” in the role of supplementary reading – a bit more of the truth about the 20th century
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Polish language education;
Polish-Jewish relationships;
critical thinking

How to Cite

Kania, A. (2021). Monika Sznajderman’s “Pepper Counterfeiters” in the role of supplementary reading – a bit more of the truth about the 20th century. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (13), 173–186.


Knowledge about Polish-Jewish relations, especially during World War II and the Holocaust, is still insufficient in Polish society and is burdened with many stereotypes. Polish language education in its compulsory dimension does not allow to take up this difficult topic, so in secondary school it is worth to discuss Monika Sznajderman's “Pepper Counterfeiters. A family story” as supplementary book about memory and identity. Its overview should be carefully prepared and the students should be prepared for reception. The method suggested in the proposed didactic activities is primarily critical thinking. Thus interpreted, the literary work gives young people a chance to distance themselves from national myths about Polish-Jewish relations and to prepare them for conscious participation in social and cultural life.
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