Polish Studies outside of Poland: The Complex Example of Brussels (ULB)


Polish Studies
Polish Philology
Polish Language
French-speaking teaching abroad
foreign students

How to Cite

Ganowski, Y. (2022). Polish Studies outside of Poland: The Complex Example of Brussels (ULB). Polonistyka. Innowacje, (15), 73–88. https://doi.org/10.14746/pi.2022.15.7


It is often complicated to understand the concept of Polish studies abroad. The author presents Polish Studies in the capital of Europe. In this Article the case of the French-speaking Free University of Brussels (ULB) is discussed. The author introduces Polish Studies as a part of Slavic Studies, then develops the limitations that this issue has on the program of teaching. The writer profiles the heterogeneity of the students: showing their differences resulting from their origins, backgrounds of knowledge, and the presence of multiculturalism. Then, the study program is explained, as well as the means and solutions facilitating the simultaneous teaching of language and literature Among the solutions are propounded new technologies, stays abroad and encounters with native speakers. In conclusion, the author outlines foreign student’s learning process in Brussels and the teaching difficulties that academic teachers may encounter in European faculties. She provides remedies found to overcome these educational issues.



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