Engaged readers in Polish language lessons
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reading engagement
reader’s response in the classroom
Polish didactics
Polish language curriculum
research on children’s and youth reading habits and attitudes

How to Cite

Zasacka, Z. (2022). Engaged readers in Polish language lessons. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (15), 103–116. https://doi.org/10.14746/pi.2022.15.9


Starting from the results of empirical research on students’ reading motivations in relation to educational achievements, this article analyzes the properties of reading engagement. The circumstances conducive to reading engagement are considered as an attitude that eliminates educational inequalities. Possible didactic activities that would allow to develop students’ reading motivations were discussed. Among the most important premises indicating the circumstances building such an attitude is curiosity, interest in the text being read and the ability to derive satisfaction from the reception of complex narratives, including fictional ones. Synergy between school and beyond school duties reading can be such an opportunity. Discussion in a Polish language lesson is the best way to activate the social dimension of reading motivations – peer relationships can be used to build reading engagement.

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