Paulina Hendel’s Slavic The Reaper [Żniwiarz] series: gender and genre (genology)
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young adult fiction
suburban fantasy
Paulina Hendel
genre genology

How to Cite

Agnieszka Kocznur. (2023). Paulina Hendel’s Slavic The Reaper [Żniwiarz] series: gender and genre (genology). Polonistyka. Innowacje, (16), 55–66.


The article addresses the issue of genre (genology) and gender in the book cycle The Reaper by Paulina Hendel. The first part of the article presents the position of Hendel’s book series in the field of Polish young adult literature, particularly in the current context of the popularity of Slavic motifs in contemporary juvenile literature, followed by an interpretation of some of the Slavic motifs present in the series and their function. The second part of the article examines issues in the field of gender studies, especially in the aspect of slutshaming and victimblaming that appear in the novels
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