School antinomies and extracurricular reading
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reading motivations
lower secondary school
primary school
strategies of teaching literature in school

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Zasacka, Z. (2015). School antinomies and extracurricular reading. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (2), 35–50.


The paper reviews the students’ attitudes towards literature present on polish language lessons. It focused on the components forming these attitudes, which come from antinomies between reading experiences in leisure time and compulsory school reading. The paper is based on the results of the study on children and young people readership, particularly the results of qualitative stage of that research: 48 IDI (Individual In-depth Interviews) with students at the end of education in primary school and lower secondary school. There are put some tips for teachers of Polish language and literature supporting them in evoking students reading motivations, specially intrinsic ones.
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