Creating educational relationships in the work of a Polish language teacher
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educational relationships
classroom management styles

How to Cite

Guzik, A. (2015). Creating educational relationships in the work of a Polish language teacher. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (2), 187–202.


The theme of the article is to create educational relationships in the work of a Polish language teacher. That relationship is the basis for creating ties between young and adults, and consists of several components. Firstly, boundaries and consequences as a framework for both sides. Secondly, time that the teacher should devote to students. Thirdly, the dialogue, which consists of formulating a friendly message, the ability to express emotions and attitudes focused on listening. The specificity of a educational relationship also builds classroom management style, which may be based on permissive attitude, restrictive or cooperating. The whole is crowned with the effectiveness of teacher performance based on specific skills and self-awareness.
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