The concept of logotherapy by Viktor E. Frankl as a possibility of healing with meaning
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How to Cite

Rydz, A. (2023). The concept of logotherapy by Viktor E. Frankl as a possibility of healing with meaning. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (18), 67–80.


Viktor Emil Frankl (1905-1997) is the founder of the third school of Viennese psychiatry, after the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud and the individual psychology of Alfred Adler. His method of psychotherapy – logotherapy – is healing through meaning. It helps to discover meaning in life. Frankl lists three basic ways to discover the meaning of existence: work, love, acceptance of fate regardless of the circumstances of life. The aim of the article The concept of logotherapy by Viktor E. Frankl as a possibility of healing with meaning” is to introduce the creator of logotherapy and its assumptions.
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Frankl Institute Vienne (dostęp: 10. 01. 2023)