Can you read? The psychoeducational potential of novels by Emilia Kiereś
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Emilia Kiereś
metal series

How to Cite

Kwiatkowska, A. (2023). Can you read? The psychoeducational potential of novels by Emilia Kiereś. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (18), 103–114.


Emilia Kiereś is the author of fantasy novels for older children and realistic novels for younger children. The latter, targeting six-year-olds and slightly older readers, presents the main characters overcoming their troubles with the power of stories and the support of their families. Books have an important place in the world depicted in the novels under discussion, but they are not the only source of encouragement or the means to solve problems. Children acquire their knowledge primarily from conversations with their loved ones. It is from them that they learn responsibility and independence in their relationships. It is the trust that caregivers place in their youngest protagonists that is conducive to their development. Emilia Kiereś's novels teach empathy, kindness, and help to overcome shyness. They provide an excellent inspiration for conversations with children and can be treated as psychoeducational readings.
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