Expanding the boundaries
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university education

How to Cite

Grzelka, M. (2016). Expanding the boundaries. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (4), 45–56. https://doi.org/10.14746/pi.2016.1.4.4


The article undertakes the issue of university education at the meeting point of the concept of universitas and the free market in the context of the journalism and public relations specialization held at the Institute of Polish Philology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. It has been observed that the mission of the modern university is the development of the skills needed for recognition and analysis of various discourses and formation of attitudes based on the active participation in these discourses. The effect of such recognition is highlighting the significance of the specialization and the influence of this underestimation at the creation of new university program. While creating the specialization program, multigenomic of journalism has been used. It has been observed that all of the journalism and PR-related actions are subordinate to information, operational actions performed on information and its processing, while it is communicativeness and creativity that should constitute graduates’ dominant competencies. Merging theory and practice brings real benefits – knowledge and skills from exercises and workshops characterized by academic freedom and safety (the risk of unsuccessful completion of a task) are confronted with authentic needs of the institution functioning on a market. A graduate must be aware of the need for lifelong learning, self-improvement and development of his or her strengths, as well as work on the growth of soft and hard skills.

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