„Literature” Project
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digital native
digital immigrant
literary education
modern teaching methods
homo practicus

How to Cite

Kowalska, U. (2016). „Literature” Project. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (4), 83–96. https://doi.org/10.14746/pi.2016.1.4.7


The article presents opinions related to university literature teaching and the necessity (justified or not) of adapting teaching methods to the abilities of a modern recipient. It also concentrates on the problem with defining new generation of students, through the prism of digital technology. However, the fundamental issue to consider, is the problem of academic literary education, which often does not raise enthusiasm among students. Many of them are treating the subject as not practical enough. I also refer to my own teaching experience; expressing the point of view that literature defends itself, besides lacking strict rules of modern education and the need to diversify students discussions using innovative, activating methods. Its interpretation is, however, dependent on contemporary context. The article, notes the common change in reading, education and historical memory, presents the necessity of preserving traditional educational paths – focused on dialogue and discussion about the reader’s experience.
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