Digital competence of students of Polish philology in the years 2010-2016
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digital competence
new media

How to Cite

Wobalis, M. (2016). Digital competence of students of Polish philology in the years 2010-2016. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (4), 109–124.


The article talks about the digital competence of students of Polish Philology in the context of the dynamic development of technologies and the creation of the Information Society. The author presents the results of studies conducted in the years 2010-2016 on a group of 677 students who participated in a course „Scientific and Digital Education” held at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The results of the research represent the student’s profile that has a significant gap in possessed and obtained, during previous stages of education, knowledge in the digital information technology, communication and the use of the Internet. As the research shows an average student has also inadequate skills in working with electronic documents, office tools and the Internet.
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