The school – a teacher – a group in a multicultural environment on the example of Roma pupils in Polish schools
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intercultural competence
intercultural education

How to Cite

Gromadzka, B. (2016). The school – a teacher – a group in a multicultural environment on the example of Roma pupils in Polish schools. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (4), 125–136.


The aim of the article is to show the value of work in multicultural groups to create a diverse and beneficial educational learning environment. The contemporary situation of migration is a challenge for Polish, usually monocultural schools. The most important task is now to equip teachers with the skills that will enable them to recognize and develop their own strategies towards cultural diversity and take advantage of educational and didactic work in multicultural teams. The basis for these actions may be educational practices in classes attended by Roma children. The experience gained during these practices can be used to modify university teacher training and to model work in a multicultural environment.
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