Critical Remarks on Roman Law in the Prussian Correction


history of law
roman law
prussian correction

How to Cite

Lisowski, Z. . (2019). Critical Remarks on Roman Law in the Prussian Correction. Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu Im. Adam Mickiewicza, 10, 131–165.


The paper is an English translation of O prawie rzymskim w korekturze pruskiej. Uwagi krytyczne by Zygmunt Lisowski, published originally in Polish in “Czasopismo Prawno–Historyczne” in 1954. The text is pub-lished as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administra-tion” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.


Translated from: Z. Lisowski, O prawie rzymskim w korekturze pruskiej. Uwagi krytyczne, “Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne” 1954, t. 6, pp. 194–220 by Szymon Nowak and proofread by Stephen Dersley. The translation and proofreading were financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under 848/2/P-DUN/2018.


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