Speculum Saxonum and Ius Municpale as Sources of Law in the Works of Tucholczyk


roman law
Speculum Saxonum and Ius municipale
Joannes Cervus Tucholiensis

How to Cite

Bojarski, W. (2019). Speculum Saxonum and Ius Municpale as Sources of Law in the Works of Tucholczyk. Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu Im. Adam Mickiewicza, 10, 167–190. https://doi.org/10.14746/ppuam.2019.10.06


The paper is an English translation of Speculum Saxonum i Ius munici-pale jako źródła prawa w dziełach Tucholczyka by Władysław Bojarski, published originally in Polish in “Annales Universtitatis Nicoli Coper-nici. Prawo” in 1987. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.



Translated from: W. Bojarski, Speculum Saxonum i Ius municipale jako źródła prawa w dziełach Tucholczyka, “Annales Universtitatis Nicoli Copernici. Prawo” 1987, no. 25, pp. 63–84 by Szymon Nowak and proofread by Stephen Dersley. The translation and proofreading were financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under 848/2/P-DUN/2018.


Behrend J.F. ed., Die Magdeburgen Fragen, Berlin 1865.

Koranyi K., Joannes Cervus Tucholiensis i jego dzieła. Z dziejów praw obcych i literatury prawniczej w Polsce, Lwów 1930.

Pauli L., Jan Kirstein Cerasinus (1507–1561), krakowski prawnik doby Odrodzenia, Kraków 1971.


Iuris Maydeburgensis in Alamanico.

Ius municipal.

Speculum Saxonum.