The paper is an English translation of Teoria i praktyka w prawie karnym by Józef Jan Bossowski published originally in Polish in “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” in 1924. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz Uniersity, Poznań.
Translated from: J.J. Bossowski, Teoria i praktyka w prawie karnym, “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” 1924, 6 by Tomasz Żebrowski and proofread by Stephen Dersley and Ryszard Reisner. The translation and proofreading were financed by the Min-istry of Science and Higher Education under 848/2/P-DUN/2018.