The European company: issues and prospects
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European company
European Union law
commercial law

How to Cite

Arciszewska, K. (2015). The European company: issues and prospects. Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu Im. Adam Mickiewicza, 5, 203–222.


The article is an explanation of the way the European company operates. The author briefly points to the laws and their provisions regulating the status of the European company in its present form. The author primarily highlights EU legislation in the field of European company law, but also regulations in French commercial law related to the analyzed company. Additionally, the author shows the ways of creating a European company and possible styles of managing it. The author also highlights the situation of the employees of a European company and the advantages of creating this type of company, whether fiscal, related to the location, or resultant from the statute of this
company. In conclusion, the author points out a number of prospects for the functioning of a European company, highlighting the competitiveness of such a company on the European market and the possibility of its development by European enterprises, as well as indicating that the company is a kind of compromise between the regulations proposed by the European legislator and the regulations laid down by the domestic law of the Member States.
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