“I will set out” or “I will get up”? From the translation of the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32) to the theology of mercy
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Holy Scripture
theology of mercy

How to Cite

Draguła, A. (2018). “I will set out” or “I will get up”? From the translation of the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32) to the theology of mercy. Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze, (34), 59–70. https://doi.org/10.14746/psj.2017.34.4


No translator can avoid facing numerous dilemmas which must be solved by seeking a golden mean between being true to the original and communicative to the recipient. However, translation is always an interpretation of the text. Regarding Bible translations, any particular choice of an equivalent made by the translator might lead to the development of totally different theologies. The paper aims at pointing to some theological and pastoral consequences of such choices as exemplified by the translations of the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32). The choices made in translation may result in different visions of sin, the nature of the relation to God or the way of returning to him (penance or repentance). The preacher ought to go beyond the text of the translation, even if it is the one used in liturgy, as the translation is often true to the words and not to the idea. It is the task of the preacher to bring out the idea of the passage, so that the listener’s consciousness does not stop solely at the words. It is the text of the Bible as heard during the liturgy that forms the theology and devotion of the people in the first place.

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