Czech Reformational biblical translation: the case of pericopes in the Unity of the Brethren in the 1550s‒1570s
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Middle Czech
biblical translation
Jan Augusta

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Dittmann, R. (2019). Czech Reformational biblical translation: the case of pericopes in the Unity of the Brethren in the 1550s‒1570s. Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, 25(2), 11–29.

Liczba wyświetleń: 380

Liczba pobrań: 280


The pericopes in vernacular languages were one of the achievements of the European Reformation. In Bohemian Lands, the pericopes were read in Czech already soon after 1415, namely as a feature of the Hussite movement. Fully Bohemicised liturgy, thus promoting Czech as the first vernacular within the Roman obedience to holy languages, was adopted by the Unity of the Brethren. The development of pericopes within the Unity was dynamic and noteworthy. The study describes and by textual probes illustrates the development of pericopes in the Unity after the reform of Lukas of Prague, which is tightly connected to the most literal Czech biblical translation in the 16th century, published in 1525. In the 1540s, the bishop Jan Augusta attempted at a reform of the pericopal system and in his Summovník he translated pericopes rather literally from Biblia Tigurina. His translation was modified by other Brethren bishops and printed in 1557‒1559. A new revised version came out in 1563 but no copy has survived. In 1571 Blahoslav’s Evanjelia and in 1575 Štefan’s Postil were published, both including pericopes. The study explores in detail the mutual textual relations of these prints.
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BiblMel2 – Melantrich’s Bible of 1556‒1557 = Biblí česká […], Prague, 1556‒1557. (Knihopis, No. 1102. Olomouc, Scientific Library, III 32.296.)

BiblNet – Netolický’s Bible = Biblí česká […], Prague, 1549. (Knihopis, No. 1101. Prague, National Library of the Czech Republic, 54 A 3.)

Blahoslav’s Evanjelia – Evanjelia aneb čtení svatá, kteráž slovou pašije […] [Ivančice], 1571. (Knihopis, No. 2264. Prague, Library of the National Museum of the Czech Republic, 24 B 1.)

Blahoslav’s New Testament 1564 – Nový zákon […] [Ivančice] 1564. (Knihopis, No. 17110. Olomouc, Scientific Library, 32.653.)

Blahoslav’s New Testament 1568 – Nový zákon […] [Ivančice] 1568. (Knihopis, No. 17112a. Prague, National Library of the Czech Republic, 54 S 873.)

ČER – Červenka’s Psalter = [Červenka, Matěj] [Žaltář svatýho Davida, proroka a krále velikýho] [Olomouc, 1562]. (Knihopis, No. 17555. Olomouc, Scientific Library, 32.676.)

Lukáš’s New Testament of 1525 – Nový zákon […], Mladá Boleslav, 1525. (Knihopis, No. 17097. Prague, Library of the Royal Canonry of Praemonstratensians at Strahov, DR IV 17.)

Münster’s translation of 1534‒1535 – […] Hebraica biblia, Latina planeque nova Sebast. Munsteri tralatione […], Basel, 1534‒1535. (Olomouc, Scientific Library, II 261.)

Pagninus – Biblia sacra […], Coloniae, 1541. (VD16 B 2616. Olomouc, Scientific Library, II 82.)

Reg – Registrum = [Registrum aneb Zpráva […]], [s. l., s. a.]. (Knihopis, No. 14768. Prague, National Library of the Czech Republic, 54 B 81.)

SCR – Textus receptus = edition based on F.H.A. Scrivener’s text, quoted according to BibleWorks, 2013.

ŠtefPost – Štefan’s postil = [Štefan, Ondřej] Výklad řečí Božích […], [Ivančice], 1575. (Knihopis, No. 15953. Prague, Library of the National Museum of the Czech Republic, 35 C 1.)

Stephanus’ Bible of 1556‒1557 – Biblia utriusque Testamenti […], [Geneva], 1556‒1557. (GLN 15‒16, No. 2021. Brno, Moravian Library, ST4-0050.151Vet.; ST4-0050.151,Nov.)

Sum – Summovník = [Augusta, Jan] První díl knih služby slova Božího [Prague, 1570]. (Knihopis, No. 4055. Prague, National Library of the Czech Republic, 54 B 5.)

Tig – Biblia Tigurina = Biblia sacrosancta […], Tiguri, 1543. (VD16 B 2619. Olomouc, Scientific Library, III 8.)

Vg – Vulgata Clementina = Biblia sacra […], quoted according to BibleWorks, 2013.

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