Frazeologiczne innowacje wymieniające w powieściach Solaris i Dzienniki gwiazdowe Stanisława Lema

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Nawrocka, M. (2010). Frazeologiczne innowacje wymieniające w powieściach Solaris i Dzienniki gwiazdowe Stanisława Lema. Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, 17, 101–111.

Liczba wyświetleń: 246

Liczba pobrań: 275


The article attempts to analyze the phraseological innovations that introduce partial replacement of phrases in the novel Solaris and a collection of short stories Dzienniki gwiazdowe [Memoirs of a Space Traveller]. The innovations, being the result of a replacement of a component with another one which seems to the creator of a text more appropriate, attractive, or simply more fit to the text, have been classified in relation to their approach towards the context and situational conditioning. Semantic relations between the replaced and the replacing component and their influence upon the change in the meaning of a phaseologism are considered. The basic assumption is to investigate the function replacing innovations perform in science fiction literature. The functional criterion has been adopted as a basis for establishing the usefulness of an innovation. This criterion makes it possible to evaluate whether a given innovation is semantically and stylistically correct, whether it is appropriately attuned to the context, whether its meaning renders the communicative intentions of the writer, and, finally, whether it satisfies the assigned stylistic and stylization functions.


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