Польские фамилии в прозе Антона Чехова

Słowa kluczowe

literary onomastics
dictionary of names
Polish family
semantics of names and surnames
subtext (undertones)
nationality context

Jak cytować

Szubin, R. (2012). Польские фамилии в прозе Антона Чехова. Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, 19(1), 149–158. https://doi.org/10.14746/pspsj.2012.19.1.11

Liczba wyświetleń: 185

Liczba pobrań: 909


The author considers Polish surnames in Chehov‘s prose from two basic positions – formal and semantic. A Polish surname in Chehov always appears in an intense semantic context and involves ambivalent meanings. Nearly all Polish characters of his works are administrators, managers, or beautiful women. An important point is that a Polish surname in Chehov, regardless of the real national identity of its bearer, starts to function as a sign. Within this aspect, deep semantic structures of the text are involved. According to the author of the article, an adaptation of a foreign surname within the text to be received by the Russian linguistic consciousness is generally effected through an anagram and identification to sound structure of the text.


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Фамилия не только аутентичная, но и биографическая и даже историческая: отец «железного Феликса», основателя ВЧК, ГПУ и НКВД, Эдмунд Иосифович Дзержинский до 1875 года был учителем математики в Таганрогской гимназии, где учился Антон Чехов. – см. Д. Рейфилд, Жизнь Антона Чехова, Москва 2007.