The article presents a pragmatic and linguistic analysis of a special type of media reporting—a news magazine, conducted with respect to verbal and nonverbal means used by media broadcasters in order to create most attractive reports for an average media consumer. Attractiveness is understood here as an ability to get and hold viewers’ attention. The analysis of 14 evening editions of Fakty, emitted from 8th until 20th May 2009, as well as a constant monitoring of the media, demonstrated that attractiveness understood in this special way is influenced by: 1) dramaturgy of the program achieved by operating with such means as sound and picture, the choice of subjects, taking into account psychology of the audience, their composition and the way of relating the events, at best from a private perspective, 2) elaborations on the topic, that is such a presentation of the subjects which satisfies the needs of an average recipient, 3) strategies of building a union between news broadcasters and recipients, based on references to the unity of place and time, of knowledge and experiences, and also making use of a colloquial style and retrospection, 4) the use of dialogue, stimulating attention and getting viewers involved in the discourse, and finally 5) personalization. All of these means are utilized to create a unique TV news spectacle, in which, as it seems, it is of lesser importance to inform the audience precisely about the events that took place, than to convey certain impressions and emotions.References
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