Kindness Acquisition Strategies in Requests for Support Based on the Website
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kindness acquisition strategies

How to Cite

Szagun, D. . (2020). Kindness Acquisition Strategies in Requests for Support Based on the Website. Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, 27(1), 213–225.

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The subject of the study is a series of advertisements – requests from the website in terms of the method of acquisition of recipients (using Cicero’s captatio benevolentiae principles), convincing and persuading to act through proper selection of rhetorical arguments. The main procedure is to create statements taking into account the common auditorium, bearing the hallmarks of ordinariness. Language structures, toposes, arguments explicitly referring to pathos; the most typical strategies are modesty and raising the value of recipients as a last resort; and toposes: unequal fight against disease, time passing relentlessly as well as causative reasons (support is only a means to obtain priceless values: health and life). A characteristic feature of the requests posted on the website is the presence of various semiotic codes typical for the Internet space, a kind of multimodality of communication in which verbal communication and image coexist. In addition, interaction is an important persuasive element, giving the recipients – the donors – an immediate effect of reward for taking action in the form of satisfaction with the real contribution visible in the account balance bar.
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