This article describes the language used on the Noble Box project website. The project supports the families which are in a difficult finanacial situation by delivering them especially prepared boxes (usually multiple). They contain products which meet the family needs. The material help is not however the aim but the means of The Noble Box Project. It concentrates on appreciating the former attempts of poor people and activating them for further activity. The final aim is to create the society of people who can support each other. The keywords analyzed in this article reflect the Noble Box Project program: poverty, hero, change, wise help, struggle (also: struggle with poverty), challenge, team, connecting people.The texts placed on the Noble Box Project webside are of persuasive character. Their aim is to make the recepients engage in the project (most of all as volunteers and granters) and to undermine the negative stereoptype of poor people. The key words mentioned above play an important role.
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