G-8 or G-8.5? Comments on the European Union’s participation in the G-8
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REWIZORSKI, M. (2013). G-8 or G-8.5? Comments on the European Union’s participation in the G-8. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (7), 75–96. https://doi.org/10.14746/rie.2013.7.6


This paper examines the issue of the EU’s representation in the G-8 and the role the European Commission plays in this context. It makes two hypotheses: one is that both the EU, which is formally treated as a state in the G-8, and the Commission, which is a separate, supranational agent of member states, are independent and to a certain extent also politically and legally equal G-8 members. The other one assumes that, owing to the Commission's independent role, the G-8 is actually a G-8.5 and in the near future it may be considered to be a G-9, as the roles of the Commission and the President of the European Council are separated. Increased participation o f the Commission and the European Council in the G-8 in the future may marginalize the state holding the rotational presidency o f the Council and needlessly reinforce the already strong EU represen

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