The political system of the European Union and the politological and political determinants of the activity of the EU Council and the European Council


Council of the EU
European Council
political system
politicization and democratization of the EU
political legitimization of authorities
penetration and permeation
Europeanization and internationalization

How to Cite

Czachór, Z. (2019). The political system of the European Union and the politological and political determinants of the activity of the EU Council and the European Council. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (13), 31–42.


If the relationship between the EU Council and the European Council in the context of the horizontal division of power is based on a system of checks and balances, the emphasis must be on balance rather than on the separation of authorities/entities exercising power. For this reason, the powers and authority of the states and of the European Union are to some extent mixed up in this relational formula, and they overlap. At the same time, each entity has decision-making powers creating a mechanism of political influence. The powers of the EU Council and the European Council are separated in terms of institutions (structures and personnel) but not of functions, because their powers are interrelated. The competition for power here results in its being shared, which is based on the ‘joint exercising’ of power and thus the joint performance of certain systemic functions, tasks and roles. The powers of one authority should not be performed directly or completely by any of the remaining authorities, and none of the authorities should gain a definite advantage over the others. This should be the message for both the presidency of the EU Council and for the President of the European Council.


The article was written as part of a project sponsored by the National Science Centre, Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN): “The European Council in the process of forming formal and informal competences in the realm of the European Union’s external activities”, no. 2015/19/B/HS5/00131


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