The Culture of Consumption as a Consequence of the Economic Process in the Context of Changes in the European Union


free market
consumption culture
consumer society

How to Cite

Pieszak, E. (2020). The Culture of Consumption as a Consequence of the Economic Process in the Context of Changes in the European Union . Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (14), 259–269.


In the article, through a comparative analysis of the discourse related to the description of economic free market processes and discourses related to cultural processes, we are looking for a research perspective that allows to examine the mutual influence of these cultural processes.

If we analyze the descriptions of socio-economic changes in countries such as Poland or the Baltic countries, it turns out that their path to increase economic competitiveness is similar. It is associated with market changes but also a cultural change in a broader context.

Thus, one can hypothesize: the individual is free in the world of thought, however, in the world of phenomena, freedom does not exist. This hypothesis developed for societies that introduced a free market would be: the individual in the consumer society is free in the world of his thoughts but in the world of market phenomena he is subject to independent processes.


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