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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted text should be anonymized – any information making it possible to identify the author(s) (e.g. concerning grants) should be removed from the main text and footnotes, as well as from the file metadata. Footnotes, abstract, and list of references should follow the requirements of the journal (APA 7).
  • The title page with the author’s/ authors’ personal details, correspondence address, telephone numbers, institutional email address, and ORCID identifier must be attached as a separate file. In the case of academic staff, we also request the name and address of their university.
  • A declaration must be attached to the application for publication (RPEiS Declaration). After the text has been accepted for publication, the author will sign a publishing agreement with the journal.
  • The length of manuscripts submitted to RPEiS should be between 40,000 and 60,000 characters (c. 8,000 words), including spacing and footnotes, reference list, and tables and figures, in the case of articles, and a maximum of 10,000 characters (1,500 words) for reviews.
  • A short abstract, in Polish and English, must be attached (max 250 words) with a list of keywords (max 5).
  • All tables, graphs or graphics in the body of the text must be sent in enable-editing electronic form. The minimum line width should be 0.4 pts and figures should be in black and white, in a form that does not exceed the format of a 128 × 180mm column.

Author Guidelines

Submission guidelines

1. Manuscripts should be submitted via

2. Authors can submit articles, review articles, polemics, reviews, and reports. Articles and review articles must meet the requirements of a scientific text.

3. The length of manuscripts submitted to RPEiS should be between 40,000 and 60,000 characters (c. 8,000 words), including spacing and footnotes, reference list, and tables and figures, in the case of articles, and a maximum of 10,000 characters (1,500 words) for reviews and reports.

4. The submitted text should be anonymized – any information making it possible to identify the author(s) (e.g. concerning grants) should be removed from the main text and footnotes, as well as from the file metadata. References should follow the requirements of the journal (APA 7).

5. The title page with the author’s/ authors' personal details, correspondence address, telephone numbers, institutional email address, and ORCID identifier must be attached. In the case of academic staff, we also request the name and address of their university.

6. All tables, graphs or graphics in the body of the text must be sent in enable-editing electronic form. The minimum line width should be 0.4 pts and figures should be in black and white, in a form that does not exceed the format of a 128 × 180mm column.

7. A short abstract, in Polish and English, must be attached (max 250 words) with a list of keywords (max 5).

8. A declaration must be attached to the application for publication (RPEiS Declaration). After the text has been accepted for publication, the author will sign a publishing agreement with the journal.

9. The deadline for authors’ revisions is one week. Thereafter the manuscript will be sent for publication with the editors’ revisions only.

10. There are no fees for submitting, processing or publishing an article in RPEiS.

11. Publication in RPEiS implies that the author consents to the electronic location of the text in repositories, databases and platforms indexing and disseminating scientific content.


As our journal publishes articles by the representatives of three disciplines, who are in the habit of observing the editorial principles of their own disciplines, we kindly ask them to read the following principles carefully. We remind contributors that the appropriate preparation of the text, that is, the inclusion of all the required material and its appropriate editing, are requirements for their text proceeding to the review process.

I. General observations

1. Notification

1.1. We request an anonymized version of the manuscript. The title page with the author’s/ authors’ personal details, correspondence address, telephone numbers, institutional email address, and ORCID identifier must be attached as a separate file. In the case of academic staff, we also request the name and address of their university. In the event that the research for the article has received financial support we request details of its source, of the contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure). In instances of co-authorship we request details regarding individual contributions to the article.
1.2. A Declaration should be attached to the proposed publication (RPEiS Declaration).  After the text has been accepted for publication, the author will sign a publishing agreement with the journal.
1.3. Ghostwriting, guest authorship, plagiarism and self-plagiarism are examples of research misconduct and all detected instances will be exposed and reported to the appropriate body (author’s employer, academic association, academic editors’ association, etc.). The editors will document all cases of research misconduct and especially the breaking and infringement of the ethical norms of academic research. RPEiS follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) concerning best practice on publication ethics, as well as European Commission guidelines on Ethics in Social Science and Humanities. For more see here.

In order to ensure the originality of academic publications, the editors will make use of the Crossref Similarity Check anti-plagiarism system.

1.4. Review procedure. All submitted texts are reviewed by at least two reviewers in double blind peer review. The reviewers are affiliated with different institutions than those to which the authors are affiliated. Acceptance for publication is conditional on positive reviews. A list of the reviewers for the whole of the previous year is published online in the following year. The assessment criteria on the review sheet are: type of text, appropriately worded title, originality and current relevance of the problem, appropriate formulation of the research subject, manner in which research is conducted, methodological basis of article, formal accuracy of the manuscript, range of literature referenced, conformity with the profile of the journal, range of solutions to the problem and the author’s contribution to scientific knowledge. RPEiS review sheet.

2. Preparation of the manuscript 

2.1. If the article receives positive reviews and is accepted for publication, RPEiS requires the authors to correct all the unresolved formal defects.

3. The editors prefer manuscripts in Microsoft Word. For English texts we prefer spelling as in the Oxford English Dictionary. References, figures and tables should be edited according to APA Style (APA 7), except acts of law, case law and documents - their full bibliographical details should be included in the footnotes. The manuscript should contain abstracts (max 250 words) and keywords (max 5) in Polish and English. Abstracts should include: (1) the aim of the paper and research problem(s); (2) methodology; (3) summary of the claims made in the paper; (4) argumentation on why the research and the paper are important or novel.

Privacy Statement

Personal data sent to this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes (e.g. the processing and publication process) of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

RPEiS follows the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

1. Personal data controller: Adam Mickiewicz University, Wieniawskiego 1, 61-712 Poznań.
Data protection officer: Justyna Baksalary,
Correspondence Address: Redakcja Ruchu Prawniczego, Ekonomicznego i Socjologicznego, ul. Święty Marcin 90 pok. 03, 61-809 Poznań. 

2. Purposes of processing personal data
The personal data of authors and reviewers are processed by the Editorial Board of RPEiS: if the authors are applying to have an article published in the journal Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, or if the authors already have had an article published; and for the purpose of managing and documenting the review, editorial and publishing process.

3. Data processing for the requirements of Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
1. With regard to authors who are applying to have an article published in RPEiS, or who have already had an article published, and with regard to reviewers, the data processed by the Editorial Board may include: first and last names, residential or registered addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, academic degrees or titles, affiliations, scientific interests, information about grants obtained, information about persons who cooperate scientifically with the author, information about personal or professional relations or concerning the author’s professional superiors, and any other information provided by the aforementioned persons.
2. The data referred to in the paragraph 1 may be made available to:
1) Members of the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee of RPEiS
2) the publishing house of RPEiS,
3) entities managing repositories and databases of scientific texts (in terms of the data necessary to assess the quality of the review, editorial and publishing process),
4) State authorities, following their legally justified request.
3. The data referred to in paragraph 1 shall be processed:
1) with regard to the data necessary to document and evaluate the quality of the review, editorial and publishing process, for a period of 10 years from the date of publication of the article in RPEiS, or from the completion of the review process (of the authors or reviewers),
2) with regard to other data – until the date on which consent is withdrawn, not longer than 10 years from the moment indicated in point 1).

4. The rights of persons whose data are processed
1. Persons whose data are processed have the right: to information about the scope of their processed personal data, to access these data, to transfer these data, to request the correction of data, to request the deletion or restriction of data processing, to object to the processing of data and to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. The request for deletion of processed data may be made by e-mail, to this address:
2. The scope of the right to demand the deletion or restriction of data processing, and to object to its processing, is limited due to the legitimate legal interest of the administrator, which is evident in the need to document information necessary for tax purposes or to document the review, editorial and publishing process.