Social housing in the light of the ageing Polish society
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housing needs
social housing
long-term care

How to Cite

Rataj, Z., Iwański, R., & Bugajska, B. (2018). Social housing in the light of the ageing Polish society. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 80(1), 287–300.

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Number of downloads: 549


The article discuss the consequences of demographic changes which have an influence on housing needs of elderly people. Population forecasts predict that in the nearest decades the number of senior citizens will rise, particularly in the category of those aged 85+. Due to the limited number of places in sheltered flats, residential homes or old people’s homes, new solutions must be found to provide new housing unit for seniors. The needs of elderly  people in the housing industry are diversified and depend on their social, psychological, biological or economic situation, and in particular on the degree of their independence or possibility of selfreliance. The importance of the place of living in the life of every man requires solving the problem. Social housing being a specific section of the housing market may have a great potential in solving housing problems for the elderly, especially when the lower costs of investments in the construction and maintenance of flats from this sector is taken into account.
PDF (Język Polski)


Grant Narodowego Centrum Nauki nr 2014/13/N/HS4/02100

pt. „Społeczne budownictwo mieszkaniowe i jego rola w zaspokajaniu potrzeb mieszkaniowych niezamożnych gospodarstw domowych w Polsce”