The paper presents the institution of a release of an employee from the obligation to perform work during the notice period (so called ‘garden leave’). Such an institution is a result of an economic practice, supported by the views of legal doctrine and the judiciary. A lack of a legal regulation to govern it provokes many doubts concerning e.g. the possibility to release an employee from work unilaterally, in employer’s sole discretion, the amount of remuneration received by the employee during garden leave and the employer’s right to withdraw such release. In this paper the author considers the legal issues of the presented institution such as its conformity with the nature of employment relationship and the labour law, the potential reasons of its application as well as its legal status and effects. A fundamental proposition formulated in the paper is formulation of a comprehensive regulation of this institution in the Labour Code. The Author suggests that the employer’s right to release the employee from the obligation to perform work during the notice period should be limited to events when performing work by the employee during the notice period carries a risk of violation or a threat to the justified interests of the employer.References
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