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multiple equilibria
new keynesianism
non-price coordination failures

How to Cite

Bludnik, I. (2012). MULTIPLE EQUILIBRIA IN THE NEW KEYNESIAN MODELS OF NON-PRICE COORDINATION FAILURES. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 74(2), 125–139.

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The possibility of multiple equilibria that may be ranked subject to the level of underemployment is one of the most important New Keynesian research field. A failure in coordinating all the individual decisions made by rational agents at the aggregate level is treated as a crucial cause of multiple equilibria. There are two main New Keynesian scopes concerning the malfunctioning of unanimous actions. One links the coordination failures entirely to the lack of correct nominal price adjustments in the face of disturbances. The other one focuses on synchronisation problems in the real sector (production and trade). While the former is commonly perceived as a core of Keynesian paradigm, the latter is of a very controversial character. The aim of the paper is to analyse the crux of New Keynesian non-price coordination failure models. The paper contains arguments that confirm their Keynesian origin and allow, at the same time an exclusion from the Keynesian scientific agenda.
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