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Philips curve

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Mańkowski, M., Ostrowski, A., & Włodarczyk, R. W. (2012). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN UNEMPLOYMENT AND INFLATION IN POLAND AND THE PHILLIPS CURVE. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 74(2), 141–159.

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The theoretical part of the paper presents the evolution of the views on Phillips curve. The model of 1958 has been described and its further developments proposed by a number of economists, including P. Samuelson, R. Solow, M. Friedman, E. Phelps, R. Lucas, E. Kydland, and E. Prescott, have been discussed, followed by a general review of the international literature pertaining to the empirical examination of the Phillips curve. The goal of the empirical part is to examine the existence of Phillips curve in Polish economy in 1990-2010. The direction and ties between the inflation rate and employment rate has been analysed based on monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual data. The minimal square model and the error correction model were used in the analysis. It has been found that not even the effect of Phillips curve occurred in Poland during the world financial crisis. Only between the first quarter of 1992 and the third quarter of 1994 and between the first quarter of 1999 and the first quarter of 2005, and several sub-periods, the model could have been built by error.
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