For many years the activity of youth subcultures have played a significant role in the socialisation process, especially in its secondary stage. The growing up youth, when entering subculture (sub)worlds ‘reinforced’ by the set of school and peer group experiences, positioned themselves against parents and adults, their norms and values, patterns of behaviour and ways of world perception. Subculture activity sharpened the differences between the young and the adult, the youth and the adulthood. Youth subcultures initiated many innovations and changes both within intergenerational relations as well as within the progress of Western civilisation as a whole. In contrast, when years later those ‘old’ subcultures return, they do not have the same features any longer. The differences and divisions between generations in the family disappear and the innovative potential becomes much weaker. The paper is an attempt to take a closer look at selected examples of comebacks of a subculture and their consequences.References
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