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intergenerational transfers
theory of exchange

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Michoń, P. (2012). INTERGENERATIONAL TRANSFERS IN FAMILY. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 74(3), 237–251.

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The social, demographic and economic changes make intergenerational transfers in family gain in importance. An increase in the lifespan and divorce rates, a drop in fertility and a declining number of children in family, an increase in the participation of women in the labour force – all these changes affect the nature, form and volume of intergenerational transfers. The paper presents the theories of altruism and reciprocity (exchange) as two main models explaining intergenerational transfers in family. The papers also provides a review of literature on: forms of transfers, their relations to income, education and social links, as well as the consequences that divorces, the lifespan or the welfare state have for intergenerational transfers.
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