Hopes for Europe – from the market to the rights
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European Union
economic liberalism
human rights

How to Cite

Flick, G. M. (2014). Hopes for Europe – from the market to the rights. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 76(4), 5–19. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2014.76.4.1

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The article tackles to issue of Europe’s unity in the economic, legal as well as ideological sphere. The historical foundations of the European civilisation are presented together with its main pillars – the heritage of monotheistic religions, the Greco-Roman civilisation, and the vitality brought in by the new members of the community. It also recalls historical experiences, both the positive and the negative ones, which have shaped today’s united Europe.

One of the paths leading to the unity of Europe was the common recognition of fundamental rights. The universal, the European and the local dimension of those rights makes it possible to present the multiple nature of identity in the European perspective, as it manifests itself in the possibility of feeling a European due to one’s roots on the one hand, and the local, regional and national ties on the other hand, while the ‘spiritual’ element cementing Europe has been the principle of solidarity deriving from the Christian concept of mercy.

The next step was a market integration based on economic liberalism. It is, however, to be remembered that the economic market and liberalism have, over time, overshadowed Europe’s double roots (being religion and culture) leading to an increased conflict between the rich and the poor states. Thus, in face of the global economic crisis, it is necessary to return to the idea and values that lie at the foundations of the European Union. These foundations include: the central nature, or place and the meaning of fundamental rights, a dialogue, pluralism, the capability of self-reflection, personal culture, solidarity and charity. A return to those values might protect Europe against a step backwards, which would also mean abandonment of its heritage at each level and every field.

In the author’s opinion, the answer to the global challenges facing Europe (such as the financial crisis, terrorism, or the breaching of human rights) lies in a more effective and more direct protection of human rights and a human person. One of the ways of helping to achieve that goal will be drawing on the EU’s accomplishments to date (the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) and, more broadly, on Europe’s political, institutional and cultural heritage.

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