Traditional theory of Optimal Currency Areas (OCA)
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Optimal Currency Areas (OCA)
Leszek Nowak

How to Cite

Kobla-Ziętek, M. (2014). Traditional theory of Optimal Currency Areas (OCA). Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 76(4), 233–247.

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The paper stands out because of the use of a specific methodology. The aim of this paper is to present and assess the evolution of the old theory of the Optimal Currency Areas (OCA) using the methodological concept of idealisation and substantiation developed by L. N owak. A special attention has been given to optimum criteria. A historical comparative analysis method used together with the idealisation and substantiation concept enabled identification of the aims, and the main as well as side factors in all OCA models. The paper is divided in 6 parts: Introduction, Methodological Introduction, three main parts and Conclusion. In the methodological part the author offered the rationale for the use of the idealisation and substantiation concept. The following parts contain a collection of basic theoretical assumptions of the OCA. Parts four and five contain an assessment of two time periods which represented different attitudes towards the basic theoretical assumptions. In all parts, separate OCA models have been verified using the idealisation and substantiation method.
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