Economics in relation to happiness
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economics of happiness
measuring happiness
quality of life

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Włodarczyk, K. (2014). Economics in relation to happiness. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 76(4), 347–363.

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As far as a discussion on happiness is concerned, economics is a field that has made a considerable contribution, although in formulating their views economists also take into account of conclusions drawn by researchers in other disciplines. The main aim of the paper is to answer the following question: Can happiness be measured?

The paper refers to the main theses and controversial issues dealt with by the economics of happiness. However, the notion of happiness has not been defined explicitly and methods for measuring its level are disputable and arouse controversy. Still, interdisciplinary research conducted globally has contributed to the development of a number of indexes measuring happiness. These indexes are used for preparing global rankings of the happiest societies. Indexes of happiness are frequently related to the evaluation of the quality of life. In the article attention is paid to selected indexes measuring happiness, satisfaction and the quality of life such as: World Value Survey WVS, Gallup World Poll (GWP), Social Progress Index (SPI), Happy Planet Index (HPI) and Better Life Index (BLI).

Based on the discussion presented in the article, it can be stated that the available happiness indexes do not provide unequivocal answers. Admittedly, no method for determining the level of happiness, satisfaction and quality of life is perfectly accurate, reliable and satisfactory. It is beyond any doubt that the means for describing and measuring social happiness and quality of life should be mutually complementary and corrective.
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