Interpretative declarations as an instrument of transformation of international investment law. Measures for restraining judicial activism
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judicial activism
interpretative declarations
subsequent agreements
interpretation of treaties
investment arbitration
International Law Commission

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Kułaga, Łukasz. (2019). Interpretative declarations as an instrument of transformation of international investment law. Measures for restraining judicial activism. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 81(3), 53–69.

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International investment law has been subject to significant criticism for at least a decade, due to the methodology applied in the jurisprudence of arbitration tribunals. As a result, both States and international organizations are seeking measures to limit the judicial activism of these tribunals. The most commonly used mechanisms in this respect include renegotiating existing investment treaties, concluding new agreements and terminating treaties. These mechanisms, which are generally the most desirable and guarantee the greatest certainty in terms of rights and obligations, also have significant shortcomings, above all related to the time required to achieve the desired result. This article postulates that interpretative declarations may be the most optimal solution for limiting judicial activism in international investment law. Although they do not provide the same legal certainty as a new treaty, it is the relative ease of with which these declarations are accepted that allows for a quicker legal effect, in terms of understanding the treaty in accordance with the intention of its parties.
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