Share in personal income tax as the revenue of municipalities in Poland – controversy over the rules of distribution. A case study of voivodeship cities
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own revenue of municipalities
tax sharing
municipalities revenue from shares in personal income taxes
commuting to work
JEL codes: H7

How to Cite

Wyszkowska, D., & Wyszkowski, A. (2021). Share in personal income tax as the revenue of municipalities in Poland – controversy over the rules of distribution. A case study of voivodeship cities. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 83(3), 269–286.

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In the literature, there has been a discussion for years on the legitimacy of granting shares in central taxes to local government units (LGUs) as a source of revenue, and including them in their own revenue. Despite the fact that local authorities consider of this type of revenue sources as a good one, they see a problem in the principles of their distribution. In the case of the Polish personal income tax (PIT), funds are allocated to units according to the taxpayer’s place of residence, which means that many people who use local public goods and services from one unit pay the income tax allocated to another one. This applies especially to large cities. The paper characterizes the share in PIT as a source of revenue for municipalities in Poland and estimates the amount of funds lost by municipalities as a result of pointed problems resulting from the adopted method of this revenue distribution between units. Voivodeship cities were chosen as the subjects of the  research, and the time scope covered the years 2016 and 2011. The data used to estimate the amount of potential revenue loss of cities come from the resources of the Central Statistical Office and the Ministry of Finance. The estimates confirm that the loss of potential revenue from the analysed source would have a significant fiscal impact for voivodship cities. They would constitute slightly more than 3% of their own revenue and nearly 8% of revenue from participation in PIT.
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University of Bialystok


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