Limits of the obligation of a guarantor performing a medical profession
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personal danger

How to Cite

Piech, K. (2021). Limits of the obligation of a guarantor performing a medical profession. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 83(3), 107–121.

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The article deals with the issue of the limits of the obligation of the guarantor, i.e. the person who is under a specific legal obligation to prevent a criminal effect, on the basis of substantive criminal law. The author considers whether the limits of this obligation are in any way limited with regard to a person performing the profession of a doctor. For this purpose, she analyses the provisions of the Act on the Professions of a Doctor and Dentist and the Code of Medical Ethics and the provisions of the Penal Code. Then, referring to the achievements of the criminal law doctrine, she distinguishes particular types of risk. The article ends by providing an answer to the question of whether the doctor is obliged to save the health or life of the patient if this involves exposure to personal under a specific legal obligation to prevent a criminal effect, on the basis of substantive criminal law. The author considers whether the limits of this obligation are in any way limited with regard to a person performing the profession of a doctor. For this purpose, she analyses the provisions of the Act on the Professions of a Doctor and Dentist and the Code of Medical Ethics and the provisions of the Penal Code. Then, referring to the achievements of the criminal law doctrine, she distinguishes particular types of risk. The article ends by providing an answer to the question of whether the doctor is obliged to save the health or life of the patient if this involves exposure to personal danger.
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