How to reduce the information asymmetry on the Polish equity crowdfunding market?
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equity-based crowdfunding
information asymmetry
crowdfunding platforms

How to Cite

Trzebiński, A. A. (2022). How to reduce the information asymmetry on the Polish equity crowdfunding market?. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 84(3), 155–170.

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The subject of the article is the Polish equity-based crowdfunding market, with particular focus on the methods and scope of communication about emissions. The main goal of the article is to indicate and evaluate the actions taken by participants in the Polish crowdfunding market to reduce information asymmetry. The focus is primarily on the solutions contained in the Regulation on European providers of crowdfunding services for projects, which should be implemented in the national law by November 2022. The study examines the effects of the actions taken by the legislator, crowdfunding platforms, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (UKNF) and the Association of Financial Companies in Poland (ZPF) in terms of reducing information imbalance. For this purpose, an examination of legal acts and a cause-and-effect analysis are performed. The research results show that the actions taken by various entities that have an impact on the domestic market of equity crowdfunding reduce information asymmetry. The measurable effects of these activities are the increase in the value and number of issues and the involvement of investors in crowdfunding campaigns.
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Wroclaw University of Economics and Business


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