Determinants of voluntary quits in Polish companies in the light of labour market segmentation
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segmented labor markets
voluntary turnover
polynomial ordered choice model

How to Cite

Arendt, Łukasz, & Grabowski, W. (2022). Determinants of voluntary quits in Polish companies in the light of labour market segmentation. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 84(3), 209–224.

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This paper discusses the phenomenon of voluntary turnover in Polish enterprises in the context of the segmented labour markets theory. Its purpose is to determine how labour market segmentation, determined by the number of job segments in enterprises, determines the frequency of voluntary quits from the enterprise by its employees, as well as to identify the impact of other factors related to the organization, working environment and characteristics of employees on the intensity of voluntary rotation in Poland. The paper formulates two research problems: 1) Does the number of job segments within the enterprise affect the scale of voluntary turnover in Polish companies? 2) Does the relationship between workplace characteristics and willingness to voluntarily leave work differ by segments? Utilizing the data from a CAWI survey conducted on a sample of 1002 Polish companies and estimating the polynomial probit model, two hypotheses were verified: the structure of job segmentation determines the propensity to voluntarily leave the job; and the determinants of voluntary turnover associated with workplace features vary between segments. The results point to the structural factors being the main determinants of the propensity to leave a job voluntarily, but their impact depends on the labour segment to which the employee belongs – thus the second hypothesis was confirmed. The number of labour market segments turns out to determine the propensity to voluntary quits only in the case of employees from the primary labour segment, which only partially validates the first hypothesis. Since the main factors influencing the willingness to quit work voluntarily are related to the job satisfaction, HR policy and management practices seems to play important role in reducing the scale of voluntary turnover in Poland, and other countries with supply-side shortages in the labour market.
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National Science Centre grant no. 2016/23/B/HS4/02799


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