Prescriptions on the appropriate application of prescriptions
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prescription on the appropriate application of prescriptions

How to Cite

Patryas, W. (2022). Prescriptions on the appropriate application of prescriptions. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 84(3), 5–19.

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The aim of this article is to explain the presence of prescriptions on the appropriate application of prescriptions in legal texts. I uphold the thesis – submitted many years ago by Józef Nowacki – that if there are two prescriptions resembling one another, one of them can be substituted by the prescription on the appropriate application of prescription. It is necessary to distinguish between the prescription on the appropriate application of prescription and the prescription on the application of prescription. The former is the effect of the condensation of norms, the latter is the result of the fragmentation of a norm. But in many respects these two sorts of prescriptions are similar.
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