The article deals with the institution of mediation in court and administrative proceedings, regulated by the provisions of the Law on Proceedings before Administrative Courts (LPA) of 30 August 2002. According to the assumptions, mediation was supposed to streamline the proceedings by facilitating the resolution of disputed issues emerging in a case subject to control by an administrative court. However, mediation has not found wider application. The article aims to establish the reasons for the limited scale of the use of this institution, including the decrease in the number of mediations conducted before voivodeship administrative courts. The research covers the years 2004–2017, that is, the period when mediation was conducted by judges or court referendaries. The source material for the considerations presented in the article are new data from interviews with judges and court referendaries. The article presents the opinions of these people on the reasons for the consistent decrease in the number of cases referred to mediation. The authors also rely on statistical data from the Supreme Administrative Court. The analysis is conducted from a sociological and legal perspective. The research presented in the article shows that the reasons for the decrease in the number of cases referred to mediation in the years 2004–2017 can be explained on the basis of the theory of social role and the theory of rational choice. The conducted research complements the current state of knowledge on mediation in the LPA and allows us to identify further directions for the development of this procedural institution.
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