HiT and legal education: an analysis of the core curriculum for secondary schools
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legal education
legal awereness
key competences
core curriculum

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Gmerek, K. (2023). HiT and legal education: an analysis of the core curriculum for secondary schools. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 85(4), 75–99. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2023.85.4.04

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The impulse to take up the issue of legal education within the framework of formal education in Poland was the change in the core curriculum for secondary schools involving the introduction of a new subject ‘History and the present’ (historia i teraźniejszość, HiT) and a number of other changes. The article aims to answer the question of how the change indicated above affects the scope of legal education included in the core curriculum for secondary schools. The analysis of the core curriculum, carried out with the use of properly operationalized concepts of legal awareness and competence, showed that the impact of the analysed changes in the core curriculum for secondary schools on the scope of legal education in formal education in Poland is very large. First, the scope of knowledge of the law has been significantly reduced. Secondly, issues whose implementation fostered the development of certain skills – such as the formulation of judgements, the adoption of positions, or critical thinking that could lead to the formulation of demands for change – were practically eliminated.

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