The impact of eliminating careless responses and outliers on the replication of research findings in social sciences
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careless responding
replication crisis
questionable research practices

How to Cite

Wanat, T. (2024). The impact of eliminating careless responses and outliers on the replication of research findings in social sciences. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 86(4), 251–271.

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Much of scientific research is difficult or even impossible to replicate or reproduce, a phenomenon known as the replication crisis. One contributing factor to this crisis is the poor quality of the data used in research. This can often be attributed to inattentive or atypical respondents. By eliminating data from these groups, the quality of the research data might improve, potentially increasing the likelihood of successful replication. However, this approach can also contribute to the replication crisis. The methods for detecting and removing inattentive and atypical respondents vary significantly, produce different outcomes, and can be applied in numerous ways – adding another layer of complexity to the replication challenge. The main purpose of the article is to point out the risks inherent in using different methods for detecting inattentive and atypical responses in relation to the replicability of survey results. The article is divided into two parts. The first discusses issues related to the sources of the replication crisis in the social sciences and the potential impact of methods for detecting inattentive responses on research replicability. In the second part, based on a case study of one of the surveys posted on Open Science Framework (OSF), the article demonstrates how subtle yet significant the impact of the methods used to detect and remove inattentive and atypical respondents can be on the success of survey replication. The final section identifies steps to reduce the replication problem associated with the use of methods to detect inattentive and atypical responses.
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