This paper explores the role of institutional support in enhancing residents’ grassroots urban activity, which has gained new importance in recent years (as a key component of resilience to the pandemic or migration crisis). These issues are considered through the example of a mechanism designed by the Field of Dialogue Foundation to support urban ingenuity culture, which was tested in the Warsaw districts Żoliborz and Wawer. The research method included an external and ongoing evaluation, combining analysis of existing data, qualitative and quantitative techniques. The study aimed to assess the functioning of the urban ingenuity support mechanism and identify both efficient and inefficient solutions, as well as factors in the environment that facilitated or hindered achieving the intended effects. The conclusions from the pilot indicate that informational and promotional activities were effective, reaching the intended target groups and motivating them to act. The mechanism also promoted the building of cooperation networks and strengthening local communities. Despite some successes, mentoring encountered difficulties, especially in the context of ambiguities regarding the scope of support offered by mentors. A significant finding was the importance of local ingenuity culture, which, while crucial for local motivation and models, was largely overlooked in actions favouring grassroots creativity. The findings presented in the text are significant because they show that urban ingenuity culture can be an important resource in solving local problems, and properly designed mechanisms supporting it can significantly increase the potential of grassroots initiatives. Moreover, the research highlights the need for the further development and adaptation of such mechanisms, emphasizing their role in building resilient and engaged urban communities.
City of Warsaw
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