This article is a report of a survey of Lighthouse Keepers – volunteers in the project Digital Poland of Equal Opportunities (PCRS) – who are responsible for introducing people aged 50+ to the digital world. The results show the general outline of the socio-demographic characteristics of Lighthouse Keepers, their previous experience of volunteering, details of work with the project (PCRS) and the public perception of volunteers. Individual data are compared with the results of nationwide research, as well as volunteering in a European and Polish context. The results show large differences in definitions of volunteering, and hence different motivations for getting involved in this type of activity, as well as different levels of satisfaction in being a volunteer. A comparison of the Lighthouse Keepers’ response with the results of nationwide surveys of volunteers points to possible similarities and differences between them; moreover the typologies presented indicate the key points of the distribution of such a heterogeneous group of volunteers as this.References
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