Retreat from the Polish raison d’être or the national interest
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Law and Justice
EU’s and EC’s concerns about the state of democracy in Poland
the vision of the EU as a union of sovereign nations
failure of the idea of Intermarium
worsening relations with the USA
cooling in relations with Ukraine

How to Cite

Kuźniar, R. (2016). Retreat from the Polish raison d’être or the national interest. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 78(4), 5–16.

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Number of downloads: 345


The author of this paper proves the damaging effects of subjugating Poland’s interests in external relations to a specific programme of domestic policy. The domestic policy of the Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Law and Justice) government is to build an authoritarian state on the foundation of nationalism and populism. The conduct of this policy has led to an unavoidable conflict between Poland and its European neighbours. The European Union and the Council of Europe have obligations and the means to react in situations when democracy in the Member States is threatened. The effect of this conflict is the progressive marginalisation of Poland in the EU. The loss of the position within the EU cannot be compensated for by creating an Intermarium because this idea has been unrealistic since conception. The relationships between Poland and the US worsened when Obama’s administration became sensitised to the setbacks in democracy in Poland, especially since they meant the virtual elimination of the political position of the Constitutional Tribunal. The ruling bloc does not have a positive vision either of relationships with Eastern Europe. All in all, we are witnessing a rapid deterioration in Poland’s international position to the detriment of its ability to pursue its goals and its national interests.
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