The establishment of Polish courts in 1917, which took place even before Poland regained independence, was a manifestation of the will and intent of Polish lawyers to create their own statehood. This is the reason why it is worth talking about the imponderabilities related to the independence of the judges and the judiciary especially today, in the current political situation, on the first anniversary of the attack of the executive and legislative power on the judiciary, and the introduction of the ‘new order’ in the judiciary system, the aim of which is to limit, if not eliminate, the division of powers, hence implementing a significant dependence of the judiciary on the Minister of Justice, and consequently, in a long run, to implement a restriction of the civic right to have matters settled by an independent court.References
Jastrzębski, R. (2017), O stu latach Sądu Najwyższego (1917–2017), Palestra 4.
Pietrzak, M. (1981), Sąd Najwyższy w II Rzeczypospolitej, Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne 33(1).
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